List Guest Operating System Information for a Virtual Machine
List Basic Virtual Machine Information
List Virtual Machine Keyboard Information
List Virtual Machine Mouse Information
List Virtual Machine Parallel Port Information
List Virtual Machine Serial Port Information
List Virtual Server Accountant Information
List Virtual Server Display Information
List Virtual Server Host Information
List Virtual Server Properties
List Virtual Server Security Information
List Virtual Server Support Driver Information
Modify a Virtual Machine Property
Modify Virtual Server Display Dimensions
Create a Virtual Machine
Delete a Virtual Machine
Discard the Saved State of a Virtual Machine
Install Virtual Machine Additions
List Virtual Server Tasks
Modify Virtual Machine Scheduling Parameters
Pause a Virtual Machine
Register a Virtual Machine
Resume a Virtual Machine
Return Virtual Machine Mouse Button Status
Save the Virtual Machine State
Search for a Virtual Machine
Shut Down the Guest Operating System on a Virtual Machine
Start a Virtual Machine
Turn Off a Virtual Machine
Unregister a Virtual Machine

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