' List Terminal Services Remote Control Properties for a User Account

Const Disable = 0
Const EnableInputNotify = 1
Const EnableInputNoNotify = 2
Const EnableNoInputNotify = 3
Const EnableNoInputNoNotify = 4

Set objUser = GetObject _

intEnableRemoteControl  = objUser.EnableRemoteControl  

Select Case intEnableRemoteControl
    Case Disable  WScript.Echo "Remote control disabled"
    Case EnableInputNotify
        WScript.Echo "Remote control enabled"
        WScript.Echo "User permission required"
        WScript.Echo "Interact with the session"
    Case EnableInputNoNotify
        WScript.Echo "Remote control enabled"
        WScript.Echo "User permission not required"
        WScript.Echo "Interact with the session"
    Case EnableNoInputNotify
        WScript.Echo "Remote control enabled"
        WScript.Echo "User permission required"
        WScript.Echo "View the session"
    Case EnableNoInputNoNotify
        WScript.Echo "Remote control enabled"
        WScript.Echo "User permission not required"
        WScript.Echo "View the session"
End Select
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