Verify Whether Internet Explorer Enhanced Security is Enabled for the Logged-on User
Add a Web Site to the Favorites Menu
Add Sites to an Internet Explorer Security Zone
Delete a Site from an Internet Explorer Security Zone
Delete an Allowed Protocol from an Internet Explorer Security Zone Site
List Internet Explorer Connection Summary Information
List Audited Internet Explorer Events from the Security Log
List Internet Explorer Cache Settings
List Internet Explorer COM Object Settings
List Internet Explorer Connection Settings
List Internet Explorer File Version Information
List Internet Explorer LAN Settings
List Internet Explorer Security Setting Values
List Internet Explorer Security Zone Settings
List Internet Explorer Summary Settings
List Sites in Internet Explorer Security Zones
Modify Advanced Internet Explorer Settings
Modify Internet Explorer Advanced Settings
Modify Internet Explorer Security Settings
Monitor Internet Explorer Security Changes
Verify Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration Status
List Items in the Temporary Internet Files Folder
List the Items in the Internet Explorer History Folder
List the Path to the Internet Explorer Folder
List Items in the Internet Favorites Folder
List Items in the Internet Cookies Folder

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