Assign a New Group Policy Link to an OU
Assign a New Manager to an OU
Clear COM+ Attributes from a User Account
Clear the COM+ Partition Link Set of an OU
Clear the General Properties of an OU
Clear the Group Policy Links Assigned to an OU
Create an OU
Create an OU in an Existing OU
Delete an OU
List COM+ Partition Information for a Domain
List COM+ Partition Sets
List Group Policy Information for an OU
List the Attributes of the organizationalUnit Class
List the COM+ Properties of an OU
List the General Properties of an OU
List the Managed By Information for an OU
List the Owner of an OU
List the Properties of an OU Object
List the Security Descriptor for an OU
List the System Access Control List of an OU
Modify the COM+ Partition Set Link of an OU
Modify the General Properties of an OU
Remove an OU Manager

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