Add 1000 Sample Users to a Security Group
Add a User to Two Security Groups
Add New Members to a Security Group
Assign a Group Manager
Change the Scope of a Security Group
Create a Domain Local Distribution Group
Create a Domain Local Security Group
Create a Global Distribution Group
Create a Global Security Group
Create a Universal Distribution Group
Create a Universal Security Group
Delete a Group from Active Directory
List All the Members of a Group
List Group Memberships for All the Users in an OU
List Group Object Information
List Other Groups a Group Belongs To
List the Active Directory Groups a User Belongs To
List the Attributes of the Group Class
List the General Properties of a Group
List the Managed By Information for a Group
List the Owner of a Group
List the Primary Group for a User Account
List the Security Descriptor for a Group
List the System Access Control List for a Group
Modify Group Attributes
Modify Group Type
Move a Group Within a Domain
Remove a User from a Group
Remove All Group Memberships for a User Account
Remove All the Members of a Group
Remove the Manager of a Group
Replace Group Membership with All-New Members

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