Download securecrt.tlb type library
# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"
'Dim crt As SecureCrt.crt
' This script sets a specific logfile, enables logging then connects
' to a server. After capturing the output of a command to the logfile
' logging is disabled and it disconnects.
Sub Main
' Turn on synchronous mode while performing Send/Wait sequences
' so no input is missed.
crt.Screen.Synchronous = True
' Connect using a pre-defined session that automatically logs me in.
crt.Session.Connect "/s mysession"
' Wait for my unix login prompt or for 5 seconds whichever
' comes first.
crt.Screen.WaitForString "linux$", 5
' Set the name of the log file name "YYMMDD.log"
Dim logfile
logfile = "C:\TEMP\mysession.log"
crt.Session.LogFileName = logfile
' Enable logging
crt.Session.Log True
' Send a unix command. The output of the command will
' be captured to the logfile.
crt.Screen.Send "date" & vbCr
' Wait again for my login prompt or 5 seconds
crt.Screen.WaitForString "linux$", 5
' Turn off synchronous mode
crt.Screen.Synchronous = false
' Stop logging and disconnect.
crt.Session.Log False
End Sub
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