Generates an error condition that can be handled by a try...catch...finally statement.
throw exception |
The required exception argument can be any expression.
The following example throws an error based on a passed-in value, then illustrates how that error is handled in a hierarchy of try...catch...finally statements:
![]() | |
function TryCatchDemo(x){ try { try { if (x == 0) // Evalute argument. throw "x equals zero"; // Throw an error. else throw "x does not equal zero"; // Throw a different error. } catch(e) { // Handle "x = 0" errors here. if (e == "x equals zero") // Check for an error handled here. return(e + " handled locally."); // Return object error message. else // Can't handle error here. throw e; // Rethrow the error for next } // error handler. } catch(e) { // Handle other errors here. return(e + " handled higher up."); // Return error message. } } document.write(TryCatchDemo(0)); document.write(TryCatchDemo(1)); |
See Also