' Run Available Scripts on SMS Clients

On Error Resume Next

Dim oUIResource
Dim sProgramID
Dim sPackageID
Dim sPackageName
Dim oArgs
Dim objSWbemlocator
Dim objSWbemServices
Dim szNameSpacePath
Dim oProgramObjectSet
Dim oProgramObject
Dim sProgramObjectPath

szNameSpacePath = "root/microsoft/sms/client/swdist"

sPackageName = "PackageName"
sPackageID = "99999999"
sProgramID = "ProgramID" 'use the program name

Set objSWbemlocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator.1")
Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemlocator.ConnectServer(".",szNameSpacePath)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

    ' Trying to create UIResource - assuming Advanced Client

    Set oUIResource = CreateObject ("UIResource.UIResourceMgr")
    If oUIResource Is Nothing Then
    End If

    ' Run the program

    oUIResource.ExecuteProgram sProgramID, sPackageID, TRUE

    Wscript.Echo "Successfully executed program"
    Wscript.Quit (0)

End If

' Get the program index

Set oProgramObjectSet = _
    oServices.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from CLI_AvailableProgram where ProgramName=""" + _
        sProgramID + """ and sPackageName=""" + sPackageName + """")

' Run Each program in the objectset ... you might get more programs
'because key is package name and not package ID

For Each oProgramObject In oProgramObjectSet
    sProgramObjectPath = oProgramObject.Path_.RelPath

    ' Actually calling the WbemMethod to run the program now

    oServices.ExecMethod sProgramObjectPath,"RunNow"
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