' List the Properties of a Web Directory

strComputer = "LocalHost"
Set objIIS = GetObject _
    ("IIS://" & strComputer & "/W3SVC/1/ROOT/aspnet_client")

Wscript.Echo "Acces Flags: " & objIIS.AccessFlags
Wscript.Echo "ASP Errors to NT log: " & objIIS.AspErrorsToNTLog
Wscript.Echo "Access SSL Flags: " & objIIS.AccessSSLFlags
Wscript.Echo "ASP Exception catch Enabled: " & _
Wscript.Echo "Anonymous Password Synch: " & objIIS.AnonymousPasswordSync
Wscript.Echo "ASP Log Error Requests: " & objIIS.AspLogErrorRequests
Wscript.Echo "Anonymous user Name: " & objIIS.AnonymousUserName
Wscript.Echo "ASP Processor Thread Maximum: " & _
Wscript.Echo "Anonymous User Password: " & objIIS.AnonymousUserPass
Wscript.Echo "ASP Queue Connection Test Time: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Allow Client Debugging: " & objIIS.AppAllowClientDebug
Wscript.Echo "ASP Queue Timeout: " & objIIS.AspQueueTimeout
Wscript.Echo "Application Allow Debugging: " & objIIS.AppAllowDebugging
Wscript.Echo "ASP Request Queue Maximum: " & objIIS.AspRequestQueueMax
Wscript.Echo "Application Friendly Name: " & objIIS.AppFriendlyName
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script Engine cache Maximum: " & _
Wscript.Echo "Application Isolated: " & objIIS.AppIsolated
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script Error Message: " & objIIS.AspScriptErrorMessage
Wscript.Echo "Application OOP Recover Limit: " & objIIS.AppOopRecoverLimit
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script Error Sent to Browser: " & _
Wscript.Echo "Application Package ID: " & objIIS.AppPackageID
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script File Cache Size: " & objIIS.AspScriptFileCacheSize
Wscript.Echo "Application Package Name: " & objIIS.AppPackageName
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script Language: " & objIIS.AspScriptLanguage
Wscript.Echo "Application Root: " & objIIS.AppRoot
Wscript.Echo "ASP Script Timeout: " & objIIS.AspScriptTimeout
Wscript.Echo "Application WAM Clsid: " & objIIS.AppWamClsid
Wscript.Echo "ASP Session Maximum: " & objIIS.AspSessionMax
Wscript.Echo "ASP Allow Out-of-Process Components: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Session Timeout: " & objIIS.AspSessionTimeout
Wscript.Echo "ASP Allow Session State: " & objIIS.AspAllowSessionState
Wscript.Echo "ASP Buffering On: " & objIIS.AspBufferingOn
Wscript.Echo "ASP Codepage: " & objIIS.AspCodepage
Wscript.Echo "ASP Enable Application Restart: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Enable ASP HTML Fallback: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Enable Chunked Encoding: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Enable Parent Paths: " & objIIS.AspEnableParentPaths
Wscript.Echo "ASP Track Threading Model: " & _
Wscript.Echo "ASP Enable Typelib Cache: " & _
Wscript.Echo "Authentication Flags: " & objIIS.AuthFlags
For Each strHeader in objIIS.HttpCustomHeaders
    Wscript.Echo "HTTP Custom Header: " & strHeader
Wscript.Echo "Authentication Persistence: " & objIIS.AuthPersistence
For Each strError in objIIS.HttpErrors
    Wscript.Echo "HTTP Error: " & strError
Wscript.Echo "Cache Control Custom: " & objIIS.CacheControlCustom
Wscript.Echo "HTTP Expires: " & objIIS.HttpExpires
Wscript.Echo "Cache Control Maximum Age: " & _
For Each strPics in objIIS.HttpPics
    Wscript.Echo "HTTP Pic: " & strPics
Wscript.Echo "Cache Control No Cache: " & _
Wscript.Echo "HTTP Redirect: " & objIIS.HttpRedirect
Wscript.Echo "Cache ISAPI: " & objIIS.CacheISAPI
Wscript.Echo "Content Indexed: " & objIIS.ContentIndexed
Wscript.Echo "Logon Method: " & objIIS.LogonMethod
Wscript.Echo "Create CGI With New Console: " & _
For Each strMap in objIIS.MimeMap
    Wscript.Echo "MIME Map: " & strMap
Wscript.Echo "Create Process as User: " & objIIS.CreateProcessAsUser
Wscript.Echo "Pool IDC Timeout: " & objIIS.PoolIdcTimeout
Wscript.Echo "Default Document: " & objIIS.DefaultDoc
Wscript.Echo "Default Document Footer: " & objIIS.DefaultDocFooter
Wscript.Echo "Realm: " & objIIS.Realm
Wscript.Echo "Default Logon Domain: " & objIIS.DefaultLogonDomain
For Each strHeader in objIIS.RedirectHeaders
    Wscript.Echo "Redirect Header: " & strHeader
Wscript.Echo "Directory Browse Flags: " & objIIS.DirBrowseFlags
For Each strMap in objIIS.ScriptMaps
    Wscript.Echo "Script Map: " & strMap
Wscript.Echo "Don't Log: " & objIIS.DontLog
Wscript.Echo "SSI Exec Disable: " & objIIS.SSIExecDisable
Wscript.Echo "Enable Document Footer: " & objIIS.EnableDocFooter
Wscript.Echo "Enable Reverse DNS: " & objIIS.EnableReverseDns
Wscript.Echo "Upload Read-Ahead Size: " & objIIS.UploadReadAheadSize
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