Download IP to Country Free Database from
' Geolocation of IP Address - IP to Country
' Using Vbsedit's free Toolkit and Software77 database
Set ip = CreateObject("Vbsedit.iptocountry")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
If Not(fso.FileExists("iptocountry.bin")) Then
If fso.FileExists("iptocountry.csv") Then
ip.CreateDatabaseFromCsv "iptocountry.csv","iptocountry.bin"
End If
If fso.FileExists("iptocountry.csv") Then
If fso.GetFile("iptocountry.csv").DateLastModified > _
fso.GetFile("iptocountry.bin").DateLastModified Then
ip.CreateDatabaseFromCsv "iptocountry.csv","iptocountry.bin"
End If
End If
End If
'if you need to convert only a few IP addresses
ip.DatabasePath = "iptocountry.bin"
'if you need to convert a lot of IP addresses
'ip.LoadDatabaseIntoMemory "iptocountry.bin"
code = ip.IpToCountry("")
WScript.Echo code
WScript.Echo ip.CountryCodeToLongCode(code)
WScript.Echo ip.CountryCodeToCountryName(code)